Beliefs & Statement of Faith

What are the

Essential Beliefs of River City Church?

A good place to begin would be with the ancient church father St. Augustine. He offers a helpful statement on a church's beliefs, “In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In everything, love.”

The idea is that there are certain essential teachings in Scripture that the church must be united on if we are going to experience the life of God in the family of God.

When it comes to non-essential issues, we believe there should be liberty within the church to honor the continual process of belief that comes over a lifetime of walking with Jesus. The essentials are the anchors that hold us. The most loving and dignifying way to approach the non-essentials, while vital and very important, is through liberty.

Finally, in everything, we are a family bound together by love. Right belief, expressed pridefully, is not love. Wrong belief, permitted freely, is also not love. Right belief, championed by love, is what Jesus embodied. We, the Body of Christ, should be a living expression of the same.